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How to Download Bot Auto Hunt Perfect World

How to Download Bot Auto Hunt Perfect World

Perfect World is a popular MMORPG that offers a vast open world, diverse classes, and engaging quests. However, some players may find it tedious or time-consuming to level up their characters, farm materials, or complete daily tasks. That's why some players use bot auto hunt programs to automate their gameplay and make it easier.

Bot auto hunt programs are software that can control your character in Perfect World and perform various actions such as hunting monsters, looting items, using skills, buffs, and potions, completing quests, and more. They can run in the background while you do other things on your computer or even while you sleep. Some bot auto hunt programs also have smart features such as AI chat, interactive map, script editor, and more.

download bot auto hunt perfect world

If you are interested in downloading bot auto hunt programs for Perfect World, you should be careful and do some research before choosing one. Some bot auto hunt programs may be outdated, incompatible, unsafe, or even illegal. You should also be aware of the risks of using bot auto hunt programs such as getting banned by the game developers or losing your account information to hackers.

One of the most reliable and popular bot auto hunt programs for Perfect World is Multibot (PWMULTIBOT.COM). It is compatible with most Perfect World servers and versions, including private servers. It has a user-friendly interface, low CPU and memory usage, and a lot of features and functions. It also offers a 3-day trial and a monthly subscription for only $10. You can contact the developer at or Skype: warnet eternal for more information or support[^2^].

To download Multibot for Perfect World, you need to follow these steps:

  • Visit PWMULTIBOT.COM and click on the download button.

  • Extract the zip file to a folder on your computer.

  • Run the Multibot.exe file as administrator.

  • Enter your username and password that you received from the developer after purchasing the subscription.

  • Select your Perfect World server and client from the list.

  • Click on start bot and enjoy!

You can also watch this video tutorial for more details: [^1^]

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and does not endorse or promote the use of bot auto hunt programs for Perfect World. Use them at your own risk and discretion.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect World

Perfect World is not just about downloading and using bot auto hunt programs. There are many other aspects of the game that you need to learn and master if you want to enjoy it fully and become a powerful warrior. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you improve your gameplay and progress faster in Perfect World.

  • Choose a class that suits your playstyle and preferences. Perfect World offers seven different classes, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, skills, and roles. You can switch between classes later on, but it's better to focus on one class first and learn its mechanics well. You can read our class guide here [^4^] to learn more about each class and how to build them.

  • Prioritize the main quests. The main quests are the best source of experience, gold, gear, and other rewards. They also unlock new features and areas as you progress through the story. You can easily follow the main quests by using the auto pathing feature or tapping on the quest tracker. You can also use the auto battle feature to make combat easier, but be careful not to rely on it too much as it may not be optimal for some situations.

  • Perform upgrades and enhancements on your gear. Your gear is one of the most important factors that determine your combat power and performance. You should always equip the best gear you can find or craft, and enhance it using materials and gold. You can also refine, socket, engrave, temper, and bless your gear to further improve its stats and effects. You can access these options by tapping on the forge icon at the bottom of the screen.

  • Progress through cultivation stages and increase skill levels. Cultivation is a system that allows you to increase your character's potential and unlock new skills and passive abilities. You need to complete certain tasks and requirements to advance through each cultivation stage, such as reaching a certain level, completing a certain quest, or having a certain amount of combat power. You can check your cultivation status by tapping on the cultivation icon at the top of the screen. You should also level up your skills regularly using skill points and gold. Skills are your main source of damage and utility in combat, so having them at their maximum level is essential.

  • Join a guild and add friends. Perfect World is a social game that encourages players to interact with each other and form bonds. By joining a guild, you can access various benefits such as guild quests, guild wars, guild base, guild shop, guild skills, and more. You can also chat with other guild members, ask for help, or offer assistance. By adding friends, you can send and receive gifts, invite them to join your party or team, or simply chat with them. You can also get bonus rewards for having a certain number of friends or being in a certain intimacy level with them.

  • Do not rely on auto mode. Auto mode is a convenient feature that allows you to automate some aspects of the game such as navigation, combat, questing, farming, etc. However, auto mode is not always the best option for every situation. Sometimes, you may need to manually control your character to avoid traps, dodge attacks, use skills strategically, target specific enemies, etc. Auto mode may also miss some hidden items or secrets that you can find by exploring manually. Therefore, you should use auto mode wisely and switch to manual mode when necessary.

  • Expend attempts on available events. Events are special activities that you can participate in for extra rewards such as experience, gold, materials, gear, etc. Some events are available daily while others are available weekly or monthly. You should try to expend all your attempts on these events as they offer valuable resources that can help you progress faster in the game. You can check the available events by tapping on the event icon at the top right corner of the screen.

  • Pursue accomplishment of achievement objectives. Achievements are milestones that you can complete by performing various tasks or actions in the game such as killing a certain number of monsters, reaching a certain level or combat power, completing a certain quest or dungeon, etc. By completing achievements, you can earn titles that grant you bonus stats and effects. You can also earn achievement points that you can exchange for various items in the achievement shop.

These are just some of the basic tips and tricks that can help you get started in Perfect World. There are still many more features 0efd9a6b88


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