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MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar

Do you love Monster Girl Quest, the epic RPG game where you encounter and romance various monster girls? If so, you might want to check out MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar. This is a file that contains a complete monsterpedia and a save file for the second part of the game. In this article, we will show you what MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar is, how to download it, how to use it, and what are the benefits of using it.

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What is MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar?

MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar is a file that contains two things:

  • A complete monsterpedia: This is a collection of all the information and images of the monsters that appear in the second part of Monster Girl Quest. You can view the monsterpedia in the game by pressing F1 or by clicking on the book icon in the menu. The monsterpedia shows you the name, description, stats, skills, and scenes of each monster. You can also see their affection level and whether you have recruited them or not.

  • A save file: This is a file that contains your progress and choices in the game. You can load the save file in the game by pressing F5 or by clicking on the load icon in the menu. The save file shows you your level, health, mana, skills, items, companions, and achievements. You can also see your current location and quest status.

The file is compressed in a .rar format, which means that you need to extract it before using it. The file size is about 200 MB.

How to Download MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar?

To download MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you need to have a torrent client such as BitTorrent or qBittorrent. A torrent client is a software that allows you to download files from other users who are sharing them. You also need to have a torrent file or a magnet link that contains the information of the file you want to download.

To download MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to This is a torrent site that has the torrent file for MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar.

  • Click on "Get this torrent" or "Magnet Link". This will open your torrent client and start downloading the file.

  • Choose a location to save the file on your computer.

  • Wait for the download to finish. The download speed may vary depending on your internet connection and the number of seeders and leechers. Seeders are users who have the complete file and are sharing it with others. Leechers are users who are downloading the file but have not completed it yet.

Make sure that the file you download is authentic and not corrupted. You can verify the integrity of the file by checking its MD5 hash value. The MD5 hash value is a unique code that identifies the content of the file. You can compare the MD5 hash value of your downloaded file with the official MD5 hash value provided by the uploader or by the torrent site. If they match, it means that your file is genuine and intact. If they don't match, it means that your file is modified or damaged and you should not use it.

You can check the MD5 hash value of your downloaded file by using a tool such as WinMD5 or HashMyFiles. You can find the official MD5 hash value of MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar on

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How to Use MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar?

Once you have downloaded and verified MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you need to extract it and copy it to the game folder. You can use a tool such as WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the file. You can find the game folder by right-clicking on the game icon and selecting "Open file location". The game folder is usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Monster Girl Quest Part 2.

To use MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you need to follow these steps:

  • Extract MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar to a temporary location on your computer.

  • Open the extracted folder and copy the files "monsterpedia.dat" and "save.dat".

  • Paste the files in the game folder, overwriting the existing files if prompted.

  • Launch the game and enjoy.

By using MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you will have access to all the information and images of the monsters in the game. You will also have a save file that has completed all the quests and unlocked all the scenes and achievements. You can load the save file from any point in the game and explore different choices and outcomes.

What are the Benefits of Using MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar?

Using MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar has many benefits, such as:

  • Saving time: You don't have to play the game from the beginning or repeat certain parts to complete the monsterpedia or unlock all the scenes and achievements. You can jump right into the action and enjoy the game at your own pace.

  • Saving space: You don't have to keep multiple save files for different purposes or scenarios. You can use one save file that has everything you need.

  • Enhancing experience: You can learn more about the monsters and their personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. You can also see all the scenes and achievements that you might have missed or skipped. You can also experiment with different choices and outcomes without affecting your progress or losing your data.

  • Sharing fun: You can share MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar with your friends or other fans of Monster Girl Quest. You can compare notes, exchange opinions, or challenge each other to find hidden secrets or easter eggs in the game.

Using MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar is a great way to enhance your enjoyment of Monster Girl Quest. It is a must-have for any fan of the game who wants to have a complete and satisfying experience.

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How to Update MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar?

If you are using MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you might want to update it from time to time. Updating MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar means that you will get the latest version of the file that contains the most recent information and images of the monsters in the game. Updating MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar also means that you will get the latest version of the save file that contains the most recent progress and choices in the game.

To update MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to This is a torrent site that has the torrent file for MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar.

  • Check the date and the version of the file. If it is newer than the one you have, click on "Get this torrent" or "Magnet Link". This will open your torrent client and start downloading the file.

  • Choose a location to save the file on your computer.

  • Wait for the download to finish. The download speed may vary depending on your internet connection and the number of seeders and leechers. Seeders are users who have the complete file and are sharing it with others. Leechers are users who are downloading the file but have not completed it yet.

  • Verify the integrity of the file by checking its MD5 hash value. You can use a tool such as WinMD5 or HashMyFiles to check the MD5 hash value of your downloaded file. You can compare it with the official MD5 hash value provided by the uploader or by the torrent site. If they match, it means that your file is genuine and intact. If they don't match, it means that your file is modified or damaged and you should not use it.

  • Extract MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar to a temporary location on your computer.

  • Open the extracted folder and copy the files "monsterpedia.dat" and "save.dat".

  • Paste the files in the game folder, overwriting the existing files if prompted.

  • Launch the game and enjoy.

By updating MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you will have access to all the latest information and images of the monsters in the game. You will also have a save file that has updated progress and choices in the game. You can keep up with any changes or additions that might happen in the game.

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How to Backup MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar?

If you are using MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you might want to backup it from time to time. Backing up MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar means that you will have a copy of the file that you can use in case of any problems or emergencies. For example, if your computer or your server crashes, if your file gets corrupted or deleted, or if you want to transfer your file to another device. Backing up MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar also means that you will have a copy of the file that you can share with your friends or other fans of Monster Girl Quest.

To backup MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the game folder where you have copied the files "monsterpedia.dat" and "save.dat". The game folder is usually located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Monster Girl Quest Part 2.

  • Select the files "monsterpedia.dat" and "save.dat" and right-click on them.

  • Select "Send to" and then "Compressed (zipped) folder".

  • Choose a name and a location for the zipped folder. You can name it "MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save" or anything else you like.

  • Wait for the compression process to finish.

  • Copy the zipped folder to a safe location on your computer or on an external device such as a USB flash drive, a hard drive, or a cloud service.

By backing up MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar, you will have a copy of the file that you can use in case of any problems or emergencies. You will also have a copy of the file that you can share with your friends or other fans of Monster Girl Quest.

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In this article, we have shown you what MGQ Part 2 - Complete Monsterpedia and Save File.rar is, how to download it, how to use it, how to update it, and how to backup it. We have also explained the benefits of using this file for your Monster Girl Quest experience. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! a27c54c0b2


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